All about Winona's

Treatment Options

Which HRT treatment method
is right for me?

Starting with HRT can feel daunting, but rest assured, it's more than just a quick fix. It's about supporting your evolving self as you age. Bioidentical HRT isn't just about alleviating your menopause symptoms right now but also about nurturing your long-term wellness. Winona offers bioidentical estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA in various treatment forms.

Ultimately, every woman’s body and medical history is unique, warranting a personalized combination of hormones and treatment methods. Such important health decisions can feel overwhelming, but your Winona physician will be there to help you make informed choices about what’s best for your body and lifestyle.

Treatment Types

Winona offers the following methods of delivery:


Cream applied
to the body


Localized cream
applied vaginally


Transdermal patches
applied to the skin


Tablets and capsules
taken orally

Body Cream



  • Estrogen
  • Progesteron
  • Estrogen + Progesterone
  • DHEA

Creams are a means of transdermal dosing, meaning the medication is absorbed through the skin’s layers and deposited into the bloodstream. This method of delivery bypasses the gastrointestinal tract, more quickly distributing the medication throughout the body.


  • Delivery through the skin allows for smaller dosages, bypassing the liver and offering a gentler option for those with cholesterol and lipid concerns.

  • For those who require both estrogen and progesterone, opting for a compounded body cream is a way to supplement both hormones with one product.

  • Because creams are absorbed gradually through the skin, they allow for a more sustained release of hormones into the bloodstream. This steady absorption can help maintain stable hormone levels and reduce fluctuations.

  • Creams can be applied to various parts of the body, allowing individuals to choose the most comfortable and convenient application site.

Vaginal Cream



  • Estrogen
  • Progesteron
  • Estrogen + Progesterone
  • DHEA

Vaginal cream is another form of transdermal delivery that bypasses the gastrointestinal tract for quicker absorption. The cream is applied directly to the vaginal area, providing a controlled dose of estrogen through the skin. It’s used locally to target genitourinary symptoms in particular, but the estrogen is also distributed throughout the body for general symptom relief.


  • Vaginal estrogen cream targets the genital area directly, making it particularly effective for addressing vaginal dryness, itching, and discomfort, as well as urinary symptoms like frequent urination and incontinence.

  • Because vaginal cream is applied locally, it has lower systemic absorption compared to creams applied to larger areas of the body. This reduces the risk of systemic side effects like bloating, breast tenderness, or mood swings.

  • Due to its targeted delivery and reduced systemic absorption, vaginal estrogen cream often requires lower doses to achieve therapeutic effects.

  • Vaginal estrogen cream doesn’t significantly raise circulating blood levels of estrogen, so breast and endometrial tissue are less exposed to the hormone.



  • Estrogen
  • Progesteron
  • Estrogen + Progesterone
  • DHEA

Estrogen patches are small, sticker-like adhesives designed to allow for direct skin absorption and the gradual and controlled release of hormones into the bloodstream. This form of transdermal dosing bypasses the liver's initial metabolism, resulting in a lower required dosage compared to oral medications. The patch is easy to apply and provides a convenient way to receive hormone therapy without the need for daily administration.


  • The patch provides a consistent and steady release of hormones into the bloodstream, helping to maintain stable hormone levels throughout the day.

  • Because the patch doesn’t require ingestion, it can be a good option for those who are sensitive to gastrointestinal discomfort or irritation.

  • The patch requires changing only once or twice weekly, depending on the specific patch, which makes it a preferred option for individuals looking for a low-maintenance HRT regimen.

  • The convenient nature of the patch can make treatment consistency easier than with other methods that require more frequent dosing.

Capsules & Tablets



  • Estrogen
  • Progesteron
  • Estrogen + Progesterone
  • DHEA

Capsules and tablets are taken daily, like other pills or supplements. They are filtered through the liver, which breaks down a significant portion of the hormones. To account for this, the dosages of hormones in oral delivery methods are higher than those of transdermal options. Winona’s estrogen comes in vegan tablets, while the progesterone and DHEA come in capsules that contain gelatin.


  • Oral HRT is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the digestive system, allowing for systemic distribution of hormones.

  • Winona only offers oral DHEA. The metabolic process allows DHEA to be converted to estrogen and testosterone for the most effective means of absorption.

  • Some individuals may experience skin sensitivity or irritation with topical methods. Oral HRT bypasses the skin entirely, potentially reducing the risk of dermatological side effects.

  • Oral HRT is a convenient option for individuals who prefer a simple and familiar method of medication intake.

Trusted by thousands of happy patients.
